Translation missing: en.sections.article_template.title: Self-Care September: Three Easy Steps to Ensure Workplace Wellness
Ah, September—so many reasons to love it. School’s back in session, the light softens, the temperature cools. We feel a definite shift as we round out the year. In reality, though, we know it’s also a time of significant transition—more rigid schedules, endless obligations, and looming year-end deadlines can take a serious toll on workplace well-being. Self-care September was designed to help us slow down and reflect as we dive into this more structured time.
Our businesses and workplace cultures thrive when we pay close attention to wellness. Good health—mental, physical, and spiritual—carries with it an essential component for successful outcomes. And, frankly, a work environment is a whole lot more fun when everyone’s feeling their best!
Delightly firmly believes in caring for oneself, others, and bringing more well-being to the workplace—the perfect blend for creating a warm, welcoming, and successful Self-Care September. We have three steps to consider: caring for yourself first, followed by caring for your employees, then bringing it all together to embrace the full benefits of this reflective month.
So set down that phone, stop typing, and take just a few minutes to read how to make workplace wellness happen every day!
For Yourself
(Note: this requires starting your self-care routines before September)
Norm Kelly, a former Canadian politician, said, “You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.” So true! When we take care of ourselves, we’re able to more readily help those around us. Happiness is contagious, so fuel yourself first, then pass it on.
Quick ideas for your healthy start:
Identify what you need. Are you feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or unfulfilled? Write down what prevents you from feeling your best. Be honest, and set reasonable goals to overcome barriers. Overly elaborate expectations only intensify stress.
Be consistent. Commit to simple, daily stress relievers—it can be as easy as three-minute breathing exercises before meetings, lunchtime walks, a quiet moment with a cup of tea, or even just lighting a candle in your office. What relaxes you and renews your spirit? Hone-in on low-effort, high-impact self-care strategies.
Find balance. The term “work-life balance” may seem overused these days, but it holds undeniable value. Carve out time to spend with friends and family. You’ll all be delighted by the benefits.
Now, with the insight and experience you’ve gained taking care of yourself, you can confidently help your team.
For Your Team
Your employees and the work they do is directly affected by how they feel as a whole. Take a holistic approach to Self-Care September, giving them ample time to renew their bodies, minds, and spirits.
Ideas for their success:
Kick it off. Begin the month with a gathering to set a positive tone. Let your team know you’ve been working on your own self-care, and are trying to become a healthier you. Then surprise everyone with an encouraging “Just Breathe” or “Inner Peace” gift box. These offer a tangible way to get them started.
Keep the momentum going. Committing to a self-care routine can be challenging, so pop daily reminders into everyone’s inbox, cheering them on. Mid-month, do another all-staff, in-person, check-in. Engage them in conversation—what positive benefits are they experiencing? What makes self-care tough for one team member, while another finds it easy to maintain their routine?
When we give, we get. Simple as that, a proven scientific fact. Create opportunities for your employees to get out in the community to help others. It creates individual well-being, with the added bonus of team building and fulfilling a social need. Find a cause that fits your business’s core values and ethos, or have employees choose their own.
Keep it Simple. Again, don’t over complicate things. There are so many quick, easy ways to keep self-care on everyone’s mind throughout the month and beyond. Action for Happiness is a great resource and has fun ideas to explore. We love this one about the science of happiness.
Bringing it All Together in the Workplace
Come early October, follow up and allow everyone time for reflection. Continue to encourage your team with uplifting, weekly self-care reminders. As we approach the holidays, their now normalized routines will keep spirits high and everyone performing at their best.
Remember: well-being is directly reflected in the work we do—when it’s in prime form, we have better focus, we feel more inclined to dig deep, and we’re more amped to be active, engaged team members. Workplace wellness creates a thriving environment, and Self-care September reminds us to tackle stress, release that negative energy, and pave a path for free-flowin’ positive vibes.
Let September be the starting line for you and your team’s self-care awareness; the finish line is a healthy, happy, unified, and motivated team that makes your business a success.
Need more inspiration to keep your team at its best? Visit delightly.com for the world’s best joy-sparking gifts and ideas.